Thursday 20 October 2011

Coconut Harvest

``Monkey Man``` arrives with two others to harvest our coconuts. They drive up the beach road, honking their horn to announce their arrival at the beach.. We go out and wave them in... 
The deal is they get to keep the ``cocos`` which they sell and in return they limpia (clean) the tops of the arbols (trees,) take down dead fronds and rake the ground.


Using hands and soles of his feet, he scampers up the tree taking a rope along with his machete... 

He chooses a bunch, makes the cut with machete swinging, ties them off and lowers the very heavy bunch down to the ground. 

 There are 4 kinds of coconuts at the beach..
verte (green), amarillo (yellow), naranja (orange) and
rojo (red )

I was treated to a taste of the coco milk.. the papa used his machete to cut off the top; add a straw and mmmm good..   There are many road side stands where the coco milk is sold as is the pulp..

They will be back every 3 months to harvest again... 

Hasta luego ( See you later) is what we said when they left

Watch for our next blog on the upcoming Funky Market......and some photos of our beach dog... Yes, he has found us and he is a very ..bueno perro...(good dog.)  

Buenas noches
Dorothy and Gord 


  1. You look like you have belonged there forever. You look so happy. I am very jealous. 5 weeks left Dorothy and I wish it had been today.

  2. Doro you're gonna have to learn to climb those trees yourself to harvest those coconuts. Gotta be self sufficient in this economy ...
    You folks look like you're having a fine time ...
    Frank and Debra

  3. Hi Dorothy you looks so fine in the beach,
    usually the threat with the coconut harvests is that they have to pay the coconuts and they also have to cut the top of the palms
